Emma Hanh Ma
Emma Hanh Ma was born in Vietnam and came to Australia with her parents and younger brother when she was 5 years old. She went on to study a double degree in Psychology and Pharmacology at UWA, followed by a Master of Accounting at Curtin University and Master of Pharmacy at Murdoch University. After completing her degrees, Emma opened three pharmacies in WA, and in 2017, she opened Health World Pharmaceuticals, a wholesale business which exports products between Australia and Southeast Asia, including China, Vietnam, and Malaysia. From arriving as an immigrant, Emma has developed herself into a highly educated professional, an award-winning businesswoman, and philanthropist, who is determined to serve as a role model for other Asian women, change gender stereotypes, and contribute to the wider Western Australian community.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Janinne Gliddon
Janinne Gliddon is a proud Badimia -Yamatji nyarlu (woman) and Ballardong Nyoongar yorga (woman) who’s professional career has spanned more than 30 years in the Western Australian Public Sector, in both the health, and housing fields. Currently she is dedicated to addressing gaps in the health care sector that are culturally relevant support for First Nations peoples’, and communities in urban and remote areas. Previously as the Aboriginal Senior Health Promotions Officer at King Edward Memorial Hospital (KEMH), Janinne initiated, coordinated, and managed Australia’s first hospital-based Aboriginal Volunteer Program. This program focuses on supporting Aboriginal birthing mothers to have a safe and secure experience during this important time of their lives, whilst they are away from country. Janinne will continue to grow and impact the Aboriginal health field, having been awarded a Churchill Fellowship in 2019, to understand best practice for Aboriginal peoples’ globally. Janinne joined the WA Country Health Service in 2019 as the Regional Aboriginal Health Consultant in the Wheatbelt Region. Janinne’s position sits within the Wheatbelt Regional Executive Team to provide cultural support and advise, and a voice for aboriginal communities across the region.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Nihal Iscel
Nihal Iscel migrated to Australia from Turkey, and has been a fierce advocate and activist for human rights and disability issues within the community. Being blind, she had to overcome many challenges to procure a Bachelor of Psychology from ECU and uses her skills to set new milestones in the CaLD and disability community supports sectors.
Outside of work she has volunteered many hours as VP and board member of People with Disabilities WA Inc., and Umbrella Multicultural Services Inc, and others. She was instrumental in establishing a quarterly Interagency Network Meetings for CaLD and Disability Sectors which she coordinated whilst working as Manager of Advocacy Services at the Ethnic Disability Advocacy Centre (the organisation’s new name is Kin Disability Advocacy Services).
Nihal has presented at numerous conferences, locally and nationally on Advocacy and Social change. Her words continue to ‘inspire’.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Professor Donna Cross OAM
Professor Donna Cross OAM is a highly accomplished WA academic, and a strong advocate for children and vulnerable young people and their families’ safety and wellbeing, fostered for more than three-decades during her extensive career as an educator and children’s health promotion researcher.
In her role as Head of the Health Promotion and Education research program at the Telethon Kids Institute, she leads a large team of researchers who work closely with families, communities, service providers, schools, and policy makers to translate their research findings into practice that improves the lives of young people and their families.
Prof Cross is deeply committed to drawing the community’s attention to the importance of investing in actions to strengthen the health, development and learning of children and young people. Through her research she has tackled many issues affecting the health, development and learning of children and young people including campaigning against drug use, cigarette smoking, bullying, child abuse, road injuries and recently, research to advocate for greater cyber safety for children and adolescents.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Dr Paola Magni
Dr Paola Magni is a world-renowned crime scene investigator, researcher and senior lecturer who has put WA on the map as a centre of global excellence in forensic science.
Using nature to solve the most puzzling of crimes, she is one of only about 120 female forensic entomologists in the world. Paola’s award-winning forensic research has revolutionised the way crimes in the oceans are investigated globally, and as a Murdoch University senior researcher and lecturer, her dedication to creating an unrivalled learning experience is influencing and challenging the next generation of forensic scientists.
Paola is a genuine trailblazer who has smashed the academic/scientist/mother stereotype, sharing her personal and professional experience to inspire other women and influence the next generation of females in STEM.
Health category proudly sponsored by St John of God Health Care.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Carol Martin
Carol Martin is a trailblazer. After completing a business management course, she moved to Derby where she worked as social worker and counsellor. In the roles she helped return Aboriginal children who were “missing in the system” to their families and supported families coping with the consequences of the Stolen Generations. Carol herself was removed from her family but found her way home, her journey was historic, in terms of the transition from a Ward of the State to a State MP.
In the 1990’s she won a scholarship to study for a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work at Curtin University and became the first in her family to graduate from university.
Carol went on to become the first Indigenous women elected to any Australian Parliament, representing the Labor Party as the MP for Kimberley (2001-13). She was noted for her commitment to improving the lives of indigenous people representing her diverse electorate and their access to health services.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Amanda Healy
Amanda Healy is from the Wonnarua Nation, and as with many First nations peoples’, Amanda has broad connections across the country. She has more than 35 years’ experience in the male-dominated mining industry, both in Australia, and internationally. Achieving these things as a woman in a predominantly male industry is remarkable.
In 2004 she founded her own Engineering business in the Pilbara, which she later sold to an international company. In 2014 Amanda developed Kirrikin, a social enterprise sharing profits with the Aboriginal artists. A percentage of each purchase is directly returned to the featured Indigenous Australian artist involved in the design.
Then in 2017, Amanda started Warrikal Indigenous engineering company to help open doors and create opportunities for other Aboriginal people.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Karen Anderson
Karen Anderson is a teacher, counsellor, psychotherapist and academic who has dedicated her life to fostering excellence in the psychosocial care training and support of oncology and palliative care health professionals in WA and internationally.
Her passion for attending to the psychosocial needs of oncology and palliative care patients and their families began with her work as a counsellor with the Cancer Support Association of WA in 1999.
Since 2001, when employed with the CCWA, alongside her academic position as lecturer in the counselling programmes at ECU, she has continued to educate and mentor oncology and palliative care professionals through the Cancer Council of WA and the WA Health Department. She is also psychosocial care consultant with Bethesda Health supporting health professionals in Perth and the Pilbara, and holds a roll as a clinical supervisor with the WA Country Health Service (WACHS).
Her contributions have always been underpinned by her quiet determination, and fearless advocacy for compassionate responses to people who are in crisis.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Maggie Wilde West
Maggie Wilde West is the Executive Director of Vocal Ensemble Voiceworks, [VEV] a not for profit Community organisation based in Subiaco, which provides professional Performing Arts training and, performance opportunities for all members of the community including people with disabilities.
VEV consists of Voiceworks [VW], a large professionally directed non auditioning community choir and VoiceworksPLUS [VW+], a comprehensive performing arts program for people with disabilities.
Maggie’s contribution to the Performing Arts and community spans more than half a century. She has been acting, directing, writing, teaching, and creating unique theatrical performances for communities throughout WA and Australia.
She is also a pioneer and tireless advocate for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the performing arts. A founding member of DADAA in WA, Maggie also produced and directed the first original theatre production for an all-disabled cast in Australia. As part of Maggie’s commitment to integration in the performing arts, VW and VW+ regularly appear together in public performances throughout Perth.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Theadosia Kurniawan
Theadosia Kurniawan is always finding ways to make the world a happier place – and discovering friends along the way! Outside her profession as an engineer and consultant, she is an active volunteer and STEAM advocate with organisations like Millennium Kids Inc., an environmental not-for-profit empowering young people to become eco-leaders and change-agents.
Thea is the founder of TEDxUWA, WA’s only fully youth-run TEDx organisation. TEDxUWA reaches 500+ live audiences across Australia and over 1.2 million people globally with their online talks. Thea leads her team to deliver events that continuously showcases local ideas on the world stage.
Thea’s work has been acknowledged in Forbes Under 30, Asialink Business and the Young Community Citizen awards, twice. Growing up in Asia and Australia, she believes in the importance of connecting people, cultures, and countries, and supporting the next generation of leaders with an “I can do” approach to spark positive change.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Lyn Foreman OAM
Lyn Foreman OAM has dedicated her life to developing excellence in the coaching of our state, national and international athletes. It is her life mission to challenge and extend the understandings of the sporting institutions, their methods, and policy on how to get the very best out of young aspirant athletes.
During her 40+ years striving in Track and Field, Lyn has fought battles against prejudices including gender and race. Her most challenging years as a young mother, when there was no flexibility or consideration for the welfare of women and their families, has guided Lyn always in her approach to the young women in her squads, and coaching methodology.
In addition to her daily coaching, Lyn’s work in the Wally Foreman Foundation has an inspiring impact on our Western Australian communities.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Dr Nonja Peters PhD
Nonja, is an anthropologist, historian, and museum curator. Her expertise is post-war migration to Western Australia, Dutch maritime, military, migration, and mercantile connections with Australia and the Indian Ocean Region since 1606. She has published 10 books, numerous journal articles and curated 24 museum exhibitions displayed, in Australia, Namibia, South Africa, Indonesia and the Netherlands. Awarded the Centenary Medal and Dutch Knighthood – Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau – for ‘preserving the heritage of Dutch Australians and other migrants and fostering bilateral relationships.’
She co-founded the Dutch Australia Community Service for home-bound elderly Dutch and Northam Army Camp Heritage Association; initiated the Migration Research network; sat/sits on the National Library of Australia Council; Royal West Australian Historical Society Board (RWAHS); Dutch Australian Foundation; WA Maritime Museum and National Archives of Australia Advisory Committees and has biographical entries in NW Australian Women’s Register; Who’s Who of: Western Australian woman and Australian Women.
Her current focus is the digital preservation of immigrant’s cultural heritage.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Shannon McGuire
Shannon McGuire is a founder of the Miss NAIDOC Perth Empowerment and Leadership program which was reinstated after 20 years as a program for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women in Perth.
As a volunteer, Shannon is committed to the aims of the program, ensuring it is culturally relevant and supportive to the young women’s individual needs while supporting them as a group to connect and belong. She has implemented facets to the program such as a Cultural Day with Nyungah Women Elders, Judges Dinner, Professional Photoshoot, and the Finale Crowning which has now become a gala dinner, as well as writing, and developing, and facilitating the weekly empowerment workshops.
The program has a flow on effect for many of the young women who return to their communities empowered by the experience and better equipped to support their families, community, and other young women.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Eunice Yu
Eunice Yu is a proud Yawuru and Bunuba woman, who was born and raised in Broome. She is actively involved in the community with sport, arts and culture and has volunteered for over 30 years. She has worked tirelessly to promote and develop the sport of football and basketball and serves as the current President of the Broome Basketball Association.
As President, Eunice initiated and worked with basketball stakeholders in the West Kimberley to establish Basketball Kimberley; with the vision to provide a pathway of development for all Kimberley kids, coaches, and referee’s. Whilst establishing Basketball Kimberley, she coordinated an Indigenous Communities Story with Film & Television Institute to tell the story of basketball in the Kimberley since the 1950’s – Legends of the Kimberley.
The film portrays the deep roots of basketball in the Kimberley, especially for First nations peoples’. Within a 4-year period there have been 4 Kimberley youth access the State basketball pathway and the future looks bright for more Kimberley youth to follow this pathway.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg
Professor Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg is a Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist at Perth Children’s Hospital, the Chair of Paediatric Anaesthesia at The University of Western Australia and Team Leader of Perioperative Medicine at Telethon Kids Institute. She has gained global recognition as a research leader and is the first and only Chair of Paediatric Anaesthesia in Australasia.
Paediatric anaesthesia is a high-risk speciality involving vulnerable patients with the potential for significant long-lasting harm. Britta’s patient-centred research has led to significant global practice changes and consequently, a reduction in complications. Britta’s goal is to ensure that when a child needs a vital operation, it is as safe and pain-free as possible.
Britta has built a vibrant multi-disciplinary team in Western Australia, creating a hub for paediatric anaesthesia research in our region and mentoring dozens of junior researchers and emerging research leaders.
Britta’s research has helped to make undergoing anaesthesia safer for the children of Western Australia.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Louise Howden-Smith OAM
Louise Howden-Smith OAM is a trailblazer in arts, education, and culture where she has had a long and distinguished career including Director of the West Australian Craft Council, and Executive Director of the WA Ballet Company for 11-years, travelling nationally and internationally.
Encouraging businesses to invest in the arts and expanding public awareness through her passionate commitment for the arts, in all forms, has ensured that WA artisans enjoy the prominence they deserve.
During her tenure At the Craft Council, Louise was instrumental in lifting the public profile of handicraft, elevating it to a position of prominence by convincing the Western Australian Government to showcase local art and craft when they travelled overseas. Through her encouragement, government officials began purchasing gifts from the Craft Council to present to their counterparts abroad.
Louise’s commitment and passion for the arts, in all forms, has ensured that WA artisans enjoy the prominence they deserve.
Photographer Karen Wheatland
Dr Dorothea Parker
Dr Dorothea Parker was the first WA-born woman to practice as a doctor in this State. She was a pioneer in the filed of medicine in the Fremantle area from 1926, until she retired in 1967. Beyond running her own practice, she also worked at Fremantle Hospital, the Salvation Army Maternity Hospital, and set up an Infant Health Centre. (1900 – 1992)
Photograph courtesy of Museum of Perth
Marjorie Charleson
Marjorie Charleson was a trailblazer – paving the way for women in the marketing, public relations, media, and promotion of sports. She was a fierce and passionate advocate of female participation in racing, mentoring many women and speaking publicly as an advocate for their advancement. She is credited for creating what is now known as the ‘Golden Era of Perth Racing’. (1933 – 2020)
Photograph courtesy Carol Hanlon
Grace Vaughan
Grace Vaughan was a welfare officer, a social worker, and the president of the International Federation of Social Workers Association. As a member of the Legislative Council, and a civil libertarian, she introduced a private members bill to decriminalize homosexuality, championed electoral reform, and opposed a bill to disenfranchise illiterate First Nations peoples’. (1951 – 1984).
Photograph courtesy the Vaughan Family Collection
May O’Brien
May O’Brien (nee Miller) was a proud Aboriginal woman, an outstanding educator, and author. She received her Teacher’s Certificate at Claremont Teachers College in 1953 and was the first known Aboriginal woman in Western Australia to graduate from a tertiary institution. After teaching for 25 years she moved into education policy, where she remained until she retired in 1988. (1933 – 2020).
Photograph courtesy of Fremantle Press