International Women’s Day is celebrated in numerous countries around the world and dates to 1909 when the first day was observed in the USA.

In 1910, at a Socialist International (SI) meeting in Copenhagen, a ‘Women’s Day’ was established to acknowledge the movement for women’s rights and support universal suffrage for women. International Women’s Day was marked for the first time in Europe by over a million women and men attending rallies in March 1911. It has been celebrated annually since that time.

The United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) was formed in 1977 to develop strategic programs to foster the empowerment of women. The Australian committee was formed in 1989 and the Western Australian Chapter in 2008. In 2010, the name was changed to UN Women.

2011 was the Centenary of Internationals Women’s Day and UN Women Perth, launched the WA Women’s Hall of Fame. The Perth UN Women’s Chapter closed in 2012 however the Hall of Fame continued under the stewardship of the Collaboration of International Women’s Day until 2017, when the WA Women’s Hall of Fame Inc was established.

As part of the Statewide IWD Celebrations, and highly regarded as the flagship annual event in WA, the WA Women’s Hall of Fame, continues to honour, and celebrate women, thirteen years on from the initial event. The recognition of women through this event encourages and empowers women to be more progressive, and helps shape public policy, to improve women’s position and status in society.

The WA Women’s Hall of Fame is endorsed by women’s organisations, business, industry, and has bi-partisan State Government Support, and is highlighted as a key initiative in Stronger Together
– WA’s Plan for Gender Equality.

To date, 267 ‘inspiring’ Western Australian women, from all regions in this State who have left their mark in our:

– Communities,
– through business,
– growing industries,
– leading movements,
– mentoring,
– building communities,
– fund-raising,
– working in science and research,
– the arts,
– child-care,
– volunteering,
– and providing positive role-models and encouragement to the young women of our future,

have been inducted into the WA Women’s Hall of Fame.